The Neurodiversity Paradigm is the first article that we’ve published from the ICF Neuroscience mini programme that ran through the Spring of 2021.
This paper explores how all brains are different and rather than thinking that this is a disability or a disadvantage, instead seeing how this can be the edge in yourself, your teams and your clients – to bring diversity to the ways we can think and apply that thinking. This article challenges the neurotypical agenda that we can all so easily fall into. This is central to Think it Out’s ethos of seeing potential and releasing brains and minds to be uniquely more who they are; to unlock greater individual and corporate senses of identity, value and happiness.
Articles coming soon
Post-traumatic Growth: explores how trauma is common and, far from being the last word, can be very much turned into a force for growth and ultimately good for yourself and others. This article also outlines what trauma is and how therapy and coaching, although different disciplines, have overlap. This includes a call for more collaboration and joining up across these professions to release minds to their fullest greatness.
Neurofutures: explores how neuroscience has grown and evolved as a discipline over the last century into a powerful resource on what it is to be human and how it can give all of us more agency to get more of the life we want and need. The conclusion is that neuroscience has so much more to bring and reveal to us for personal and corporate growth, development and wellbeing – unlocking even higher levels of thinking and application in the near future.
All articles have links and references to further reading, resources and support material as well as suggested take-away summaries for coaches, leaders and curious readers.
We would very much like to hear your thoughts and experience on these subjects. We would also really like to be able to talk with how you can get more of the benefits of these in your life. So please do get in touch:
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